Indiana University Health's new flagship hospital in downtown Indianapolis will feature three multi-story hospital towers that could climb up to 16 floors in the healthcare system's sprawling 16th Street campus, undergoing a 44-acre expansion. Together, the three towers can hold up to 672 private rooms per patient and, if needed, IU Health could add a fourth tower to the south, IU Health officials said in a press release. A panoramic terrace and two heliports will sit atop the structure. The new $1.6 billion facility, which will replace Methodist and university hospitals, will be located on the southwest corner of 16th Street and Capitol Avenue and will take four to five years to build.


Limestone Beige

The panels chosen for the Indiana University Health Hospital structure's façades are the GammaStone Natural Air Limestone Beige with a honed finish. A perfect natural stone solution that beautifully conforms to the entire project and the existing buildings in the surrounding area.

MAX PANELS SIZE: 126'' x 59''

Architectural Firm

CURIS Design

Curis Design is a collaboration between BSA, CSO and RATIO that blends architectural design, healthcare planning and project management expertise into a single entity. The team is focused on delivering exceptional quality in healthcare design.